This cover is beyond the normal scope of Fire and Burglary policies and you will require protection against breakage and pilferage risks also.
There will be certain valuable and/or sophisticated items for which you will require cover beyond the normal scope of Fire and Burglary policies and you will require protection against breakage and pilferage risks also. We have radio equipment, photocopiers, etc.
The cover provides compensation for loss or damage to the property insured by any accident or misfortune.
The schedule of items that can also be covered in addition to the above includes: Wearing Apparels, Jewelry & Personal Ornaments, Trunks & Suitcases, Fountain Pens, Gold & Silver Wares, Surveying Instruments, Tools of Trade, Sport Requisites, Household Effects, Cookery and Glassware, Pictures, Books, Miscellaneous Equipment, etc.
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